Shipping The Leonardo da Vinci bicycle

//Shipping The Leonardo da Vinci bicycle

Shipping The Leonardo da Vinci bicycle

Shipping Artwork the Leonardo da Vinci bicycleWhen your job is to ship people’s treasures around the world, you get to see some interesting items.  This oak bicycle was made in the style of the Leonardo da Vinci bicycle sketch. There are questions as to whether the sketch was made by da Vinci around 1500, making him the inventor of the bicycle or if it was drawn in one of his sketch books at a much later date.Shipping Artwork the Leonardo da Vinci bicycle

What’s not up for debate is that this bike is one of the coolest human powered pieces of art that I have ever seen. This bike was sold buy Eron Johnson Antiques to a great lady named Suzanne. Its destination is Mackinac Island Michigan, a 3.8 square mile island that’s name means “big turtle” mackinac-island-71707_960_720in the language of

the Menominee which is a Native American tribe that once inhabited thShipping Artwork the Leonardo da Vinci bicyclee island. Much of Mackinac Island was designated a national park in 1875 and there has been a ban on motor vehicles since 1898. This bicycle will feel right at home on Mackinac. Biking is the most popular way to see its many amazing sights.


By | 2016-04-13T17:38:19+00:00 April 13th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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